
Management Design has logged survey responses from a total of 163 California architecture firms, representing nearly 6,000 individuals. Our data is effective through June 2009. The information listed below is relevant for all regions in California.

Staff Composition  /  Management Salaries  /  Technical Salaries  /  Other Technical Salaries  

Special thanks goes out to the sponsors of the 2009 Survey for California Architectural Firms.

All information contained on this site represents average and median figures for All California Only. The
published survey results include regional breakdown information, when sample size allows, for the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento/Central Valley region, Los Angeles region,  Orange County and San Diego. Furthermore, the published survey provides salary ranges for each position, reporting all data that falls above or below average or median numbers.

Complete survey results are available for reference in all California AIA chapter offices,
as well as many university libraries.

The 2009 Survey for California Architectural Firms is endorsed by the
American Institute of Architects, California Council.